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  • Douglas Lin posted an update 2 years, 1 month ago

    As you look for treatments, you might also be analyzing what are the causes of cold sores. Basically, the causative agent of these sores will be the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1). And like other viruses, this type of virus is quiet difficult to remove from your system once it has already invaded.

    Most adults with HSV1 are infected during their childhood. Fever and a painful may occur as a sign of infection. There after first infection, the virus travels to the ganglia (the end a part of our nerves) and remains there fresh air and good. The virus rests there within a dormant stage and luckily does not harm or hinder the nerves’ duties. By some factors, this virus is activated and travels for you to the mouth or lips and causes sore outbreaks again.

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