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  • Nicholson Mckay posted an update 2 years ago

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    Files created in a version ahead of Microsoft Office 2007 are opened in compatibility mode, with features that cannot displayed or converted well by previous versions incompetent. Such files will automatically be stored in 97-2003 hard drive. To convert a file to the Microsoft Office 2010 file format, open it up in compatibility mode, active the Backstage View by clicking the File tab, then inside of Info window, click Renovate. Click OK to complete the conversion to new Microsoft Office 2010 format.

    Open Microsoft Outlook. Click on the Help tab and select Detect and Repair from the drop-down techniques. Click to check the box beside Restore my shortcuts while repairing and then click start off button. This will automatically detect, repair, and restore your Outlook shortcuts when merge finishes. Anticipate the process to complete. When done, close Outlook and reopen it. Generally if the problem persists, move on to the next phase.

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