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  • Farah Kerr posted an update 2 years ago

    startups Managing Digital Certificates webinar discusses how digital certificates help provide security in a virtualized environment. With this first overview of how digital certificates work, basic information about how they’re created and deployed is provided. Then basic information about how to manage them is provided. A key point is that this is a class that looks closely at how these work and what the benefits are for companies using them. Specifically, the webinar will cover the most popular uses for them – use as ID cards in kiosks, use during internal training and in company email systems, and use as digital signatures on documents and other things. Throughout, startups about how these work and the best vendors for managing digital certificates will be discussed.

    The first topic that the webinar covers is how to create a digital certificate. Two primary methods are used – the Public Key Certificate (PKC) and the Digital Signature. The Basics of Digital certificates describe how a digital certificate is created. A public key certificate can be created by anyone who has access to a private key. A digital signature on the other hand is digitally-signed by the person providing the certificate.

    Both methods of managing digital certificates work pretty much the same way. The differences between the two, however, are the expirations that are applied. With a PKI, the issued certificate remains valid until the specified expiry date. startups on the other hand becomes valid after it is published or displayed on the web, according to the rule set by the organization issuing the certificate.

    It is important to note that some organizations require both methods of managing digital certificates. With these, certificates that have been created using a PKI are valid until the specified expiry date, while a digital signature stays valid as long as it remains visible on the web. For organizations using both methods, it is necessary to first determine which method is best for them. After determining this, they can go ahead with choosing the appropriate management process. One of the methods being used is called lifecycle management.

    Lifestage management is one of the methods being used by many companies around the world. This involves managing digital certificates manually. Since certificates become invalid after they expire, manual handling of these files may not be feasible. Therefore, in addition to a reliable SSL certificate provider, it is advisable to acquire an automated lifecycle management system to handle these files.

    Automated startups means that an organization gets a continuous supply of new digital certificates without requiring employees to do any extra work. It also allows for automatic renewal of old certificates. Certificates can be renewed when they become invalid due to various reasons. Most of these reasons include the accidental deletion of files, overwriting of files, corruption or destruction of files, and so on. To avoid these issues, an automated lifecycle management system will keep track of these files and automatically renew these files once they reach their expiry date.

    Another benefit of having a lifecycle management system is that it minimizes the risks posed by insecure websites. With an unshakable chain of custody for digital certificates, an online business is guaranteed to stay away from the risks posed by other websites that might contain harmful files. For instance, if there is a vulnerability within the website that contains sensitive information, the risk of getting into trouble with third parties will be high.

    However, one major drawback of using an automated tool for managing certificates is that there are chances that the management process may be inaccurate. If the links in the network are down for any reason, the entire network would fail, which could result in loss of business. To avoid this situation, the automation tool must have a backup mechanism. An unshakable chain of custody must also be incorporated in the automated certificate revocation process. Apart from these drawbacks, crls have shown great potential as far as keeping secure is concerned.

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