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  • Marker Charles posted an update 1 year, 7 months ago

    If you’re considering installing a new roof on your house through roofing firms in Glasgow and beyond, you should think about installing eco-friendly roofing materials. The environment isn’t directly affected by eco-friendly roofing materials. They don’t release harmful chemicals or cause any damage to the environment. Listed below in this article are the advantages of using eco-friendly roofing material.

    Learn more about each of them. Whether you’re replacing a metal roof or a wood shake roof, environmentally-friendly roofing materials are a good choice.


    One of the best materials for eco-friendly roofing is slate. Slate is extremely durable and can last up to 75 years. It comes with many benefits. Slate is resistant to fire and comes in various shades and lengths. It is very simple to set up and doesn’t require any maintenance, so it is a great choice for people who want to contribute to the environment. These roofs can be attractive. A slate roof is energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

    Wood shakes

    Wood shakes are environmentally friendly, however, they’re more costly than other materials. To create a more sustainable roofing choice the wood shakes are enhanced with a fire-resistant treatment and radiant heat barriers. The most green alternatives are composite roofing materials like fibre-cement or rubber shingles. Concrete tile roofing can be used to replicate wood shakes. Wood shake roofing is eco-friendly if it’s installed and maintained.

    Living roofs

    The installation of a living roof on your house can be an excellent method to improve the efficiency of your home and lower the monthly cost of your utility bills. Green roofs are put up either extensive and expansive. A green roof that has been meticulously planned and constructed will require numerous feet of soil, properly maintained gardens, and a huge garden. It’s usually huge and serves as a natural habitat for wildlife. An extensive green roof needs at least four inches of soil and low-growing vegetation for the ground. A large green roof could make a small home extremely heavy due to the fact that it could be filled with soil that weighs as much as 25 pounds for every square foot.


    Metal roofing has a long time and can be recycled to create new products. Aluminum and zinc can be naturally found and can often be reused. Metal roofing is a fantastic choice for the environment. It’s an attractive low-maintenance and cost-effective choice. However, it is important to inquire with roofing firms in Glasgow for this type of option if it is accessible.

    Clay tiles

    While asphalt and concrete roofing tiles are both extremely efficient clay tiles may be more environmentally friendly. Tiles and concrete use less energy for production and produce no emissions of green emissions during production. Concrete has a smaller carbon footprint, while clay tiles are more embodied carbon. Clay tiles have a high thermal mass, which helps to reduce energy usage and is an essential element in green buildings. Additionally, clay roof tiles have a vintage appearance that enhances the exterior elevation of a home.

    Recycled Shingles

    Recycled shingles are amongst the top options for eco sustainable roofing. They are constructed from a variety of recycled materials and can last for 50 years. Certain are made from recycled post-consumer waste, and others are made of rubber roofing or wood fiber. Roofers Glasgow of these shingles come with warranties and fire ratings. The best part is that they don’t burden the homeowner’s budget. If you have an old metal roof, you might be unable to afford an upgrade to your home.

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