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    In myasthenia, prednisone works by reducing the activity of the body’s immune system, thus decreasing the number of antibodies in the bloodstream that interfere. When beginning prednisone, there is a small chance that it may cause serious increased weakness for a short period of time and your physician should be alerted. Treatment with oral corticosteroids at high doses with an escalation and de-escalation schedule is effective against myasthena gravis (mg). It is thought that for every 10 patients with myasthenia gravis who are treated with steroids, between 4-8 people will either go into remission. Switching immediately to alternate day high-dose corticosteroids may be used for patients who are myasthenia gravis foundation of america (mgfa) grade 2. Background: steroids are first-line immunosuppressive treatment in myasthenia gravis (mg) and azathioprine the drug most widely used as. Start prednisone at 60 mg po daily for 2 weeks, then 50 mg po daily for 2 weeks, then 40 mg po daily for a month. This is followed by a slow 
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