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  • Waugh Kincaid posted an update 1 year, 7 months ago

    The world of website design remains to be a lot misunderstood. We’ve even heard people refer to it as a “dark art”. So when you need further instruction turning your ideas and designs in a excellent website or web application, how do you know whom you can trust to make this happen?

    The objective of this post would be to provide some tips on which produces a good web design company, and definately will allow you to see the sort of questions you ought to be asking development companies.

    This is likely to be an incredibly opinionated post and that we make no apologies for this. Should you disagree with anything were certainly open to discussing it further.

    How to carry on with the post. Listed here are the key areas we’re going to be looking at, and what you have to be seeking in a website development company.

    Able to do both front-end and back-end development

    Don’t specialize in one back-end technology

    Should follow guidelines

    Idea of marketing strategies all around the projects

    Invests period in research and development

    Features a rigorous testing process, including automated tests

    Flexible to change

    Use source control

    Capable of both front-end and back-end development

    Unfortunately we cannot sign up for thought of developers that front-end development and developers that do back-end development. That’s the same as creating a plumber who only fits pipes leaving the fitting of the baths, showers, sinks and toilets to someone else.

    We agree there’s a separation between web designers and web site designers, there is a very different way of thinking going on there, however the separation between front-end and back-end is merely wrong. To be a good webmaster you need to understand the full development cycle and to be capable of getting mixed up in the project from a to z. There’s also much to become learnt through the dealing with the varying technologies, but we’ll think about it compared to that.

    Don’t specialize in one back-end technology

    There are a variety of proper back-end technologies which might be appropriate for web design including Ruby on Rails, ASP.Net and PHP (among others). Each one has their strengths and weaknesses and never one is perfect. A fantastic web design company must be flexible by which technologies they will use, so they really use the most appropriate one for their clients’ needs.

    The reason following time learning a number of technologies is usually to capable of pick the bits we like. In the past the developers involved in The League have already been able to take the nice aspects of each technology and formulate many tips and employ them across all platforms.

    Should follow recommendations

    The important thing to being a good web master isn’t technologies that you apply, but the tips that you simply follow. As technologies appear and disappear in your very quickly moving industry those guidelines will stay, at least evolve. Like a developer when you have a great grounding you’ll be able to move using the times and technologies fairly easily.

    So what are these best practices that we are speaking about. Below are some in the key ones we follow.

    Writing semantic HTML

    Follow web standards for all those nose coding

    Automated testing of both front-end and back-end code

    Use of a MVC framework

    Knowledge of marketing strategies regarding the projects

    We’ve heard this complaint often times that web-developers don’t think about the marketing strategy of an project. This really is generally because developers don’t care. Well they must. How do they advise clients and think about helping clients make the right solution, whenever they aren’t thinking about the “bigger picture” (sorry, we know it’s a horrid phrase, we’ll go wash our mouths out now). If a developer blindly does the work, they’re not supplying the client an email finder service, they may be just as being a meat puppet.

    The most crucial question a developer can ask is “Why?”. Remember to understand the client’s requirements fully, and advise them, in the end the customer doesn’t comprehend the nuances of web design, one does. Make development cycle a couple way conversation.

    Invests amount of time in development and research

    We all know the internet market is a really fast moving industry. Things appear and disappear inside the blink of your eye. An excellent website development company gives it’s developers allocated time each week to check out new trends and technologies. Admittedly many of these trends and technology is dead ends, however, you won’t know if you don’t look into them.

    If you need to know if an internet development company knows there stuff, simply question them what their developers happen to be looking into recently. You don’t have to understand anything you are told, note them down though and appearance them high on the world wide web to be aware of in the event the company will be looking at new trends or not.

    R&D is among the most important time every week for a developer. If developers don’t evolve, the solutions they build will end up stagnate and dated in a short time. As a client are you wanting an out of date solution before you start?

    Includes a rigorous testing process, including automated tests

    All too often we percieve your client could be the tester to get a project. If this sounds like happening, then, to put it bluntly, the expansion company hardly understand any project very well, they’re just “banging out” code.

    A good website development company should be writing automated tests (integration tests, unit-tests etc) for all those their code, both front-end and back-end. With a simple level, tests help developers to target the code they are writing during this with time, additionally, they help developers to create more concise code. More concise code means the code is made of better to understand and cheaper to keep.

    The main advantage of the test suite to some client is when changes are supposed to the code in the project there may be much more confidence within the indisputable fact that the alteration, or new code, hasn’t broken other things.

    We are not saying automated exams are the silver bullet of web development, and exams are only effective if they are written well, however they certainly must be section of any web-developers toolset.

    Automated tests aren’t the only real essential factor of testing. The net development company also need to possess a level of human testing at the same time, and this is certainly something clients must be involved with. User stories are key to this process. Within the development process, clients should help the internet development company to build User stories, so that everyone concerned understand how users will interact with your website or application as well as the outcomes of those interactions.

    Flexible to improve

    We’ve all heard developers complaining how their clients’ customize the requirements of a project midway thought a job. Developers must stop complaining concerning this, it has happened to everyone and not going to change. An excellent website development company must have processes available to handle change. A high level client, ask how change requests will probably be handled.

    Web designers should try to short release cycles, preferably One to two weeks. The scariest thing that will occur to an undertaking could be that the developers obtain the brief, start the project and after that Eight weeks later they announce it’s finished, only for the client to convey “This isn’t things i requested!”. By trying to short release cycles, clients is worried at all stages. At the conclusion of each release the consumer should look at the project to date and submit any change requests.

    Use source control

    Our final recommendation is a pretty obvious and simple one, to the majority people, but we still speak to developers who don’t use any kind of source control. This seems more predominant with freelancers while they aren’t seeing the need because they are the one ones focusing on the code. If that is how they notice, chances are they are missing the idea.

    There are numerous main reasons why all code should be source controlled. We’re are only going to mention a couple of key points here. Firstly it’s really a good way of keeping a log of changes made to code. (So long as developers put a comment in to the commit). Secondly and above all is allows developers to alter code without the anxiety about losing already work already done. This is especially useful when trying out other possible coding answers to a difficulty.

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