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  • Talley Cramer posted an update 1 year, 3 months ago

    Do you think about becoming an official celebrant? Maybe you know someone who has done it and you would like to do the same. Great!

    Celebrants are people who oversee and manage ceremonies like funerals or weddings. As well as being a highly lucrative career choice but there are a number of other benefits for becoming a celebrant. These are only one of the many benefits that celebrants can get.

    You are a an integral part of someone else’s most profound memories

    A wedding celebrant isn’t simply watching someone else’s life milestones from a distance, but taking an active, integral part in the events. You are the center of the proceedings, regardless whether you’re coordinating a touching funeral or a stunning and wild wedding. Gold Coast Weddings will become acquainted with you on an intimate level. You are able to share their joys and sorrows during the ceremony. Your presence will create an unforgettable memory for them. You will feature in their wedding photographs as well as help couples write vows that they’ll cherish for the rest of their lives.

    It’s uplifting, powerful, and rewarding

    You are a an integral part of the life of someone else, and also have the privilege of having your own memorable experiences as a funeral or wedding celebrant. Some situations may touch you very deeply, such as the death of a child or a particularly touching wedding tale. It is possible to learn and grow as a person through these events, not only about how to be a great celebrant, but about the relationship between death and life grieving and love, rituals and roles and so on.

    You can work as often as you like

    Freedom is the most wonderful thing. This is true even at work. It’s amazing to have the freedom to set your working hours and take breaks whenever you want. Self-employed celebrants don’t need to plead to be granted time off from work or compete for the best time slots for annual leave. Mental health effects can also be severe. PeopleManagement published a survey in 2019 which found that 39% of flexible workers were happier with their mental health. Another study that looked at self-employment revealed that self-employed workers tend to have greater self-worth and satisfaction with their work as compared to those who work with an employer. You are able to be as energetic or as relaxed as you like as a celebrant. Your task is entirely in your control.

    With the right attitude Anyone can achieve it.

    We recommend that every celebrant start their journey with formal training but you do not require any other qualifications to become one. There is no requirement to attend college or university for an extended period of time or to spend a fortune. As long as you possess a positive, open minded mindset and the desire to make your business work no one should be able to hinder you.

    There is always going to be a market for it

    Every single day in the UK, approximately 1400 people are killed. There’s always a demand for funeral services. Like the UK, there are thousands of weddings every week. It is now becoming common to employ the services of a celebrant instead of a Rabbi or priest. There won’t be any issues with traffic as the market is full. Similar opportunities aren’t available in other industries.

    You’ll make lifelong friends

    When you study through the International College of Professional Celebrants You not only learn the ins and outs of celebration, but also will meet people who are who are on the same path. Given the personal nature of celebrating it is a sure thing that friendships will be made. The Facebook page will be available for both trainees and working celebrants. In addition, you’ll work in a social job, and so getting to know people will come naturally to you after a certain amount of time. Expect your social calendar to increase substantially!

    You are able to travel

    Being a celebrant does not limit you to a specific area. You can travel across the country, visit new hotels and venues, enjoy new sounds and sights and consider every event a mini holiday should you wish. The beauty of this career is that you can meet clients across the country, if you wish to. You can also choose to stay local If that’s what you prefer.

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