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  • Tran Vincent posted an update 2 years, 3 months ago

    If you’re new to Internet Marketing or are trying to decide how to build an Email List then the best way is with a Phone Number, Customer Service Visit Site and a List. The best email list rental companies provide all of this and more. To rent a list you simply pay a monthly rental fee. If you own the domain then you have all the rights to sell and re-sell your email list.

    So lets say you wanted to rent a list from one of the best email list rental companies in the world, you would first check their phone number, their website address and see if they had a phone number and website address that could be valid for renting a list. You may even have a live person that will answer the phone when you call. If not, call them at 1 hours ago and ask if they can rent you a list. Be sure to tell them you want to rent the list only for a limited time period.

    Once you’ve checked each one to make sure they are legit and can rent to you. Now comes the next step, you need to check their credentials and see if they are in business. You can do this by going to the web address and see if they have been in business for at least 5 hours. Also go to their phone number, 1 hours ago and call to see if someone was able to answer the phone and pick up your email addresses.

    Next you want to go to the contact form on their website and enter your name and email address. You should be able to see your options for the type of list rental, how many email addresses you can rent and how much the rental is going to cost you. You may be able to even create your own list and pay per click advertising options on the side. When you are looking over each of these options don’t forget to look at the side bars. These are the advertisements that you will see on the left or right hand side.

    If you see nothing on the side bar than you know this is a scam, you shouldn’t waste your money with this company. Next you want to go to the bottom of the page and find the phone number of the person who answered the phone. This will give you the impression that this company is legitimate and they do in fact rent email marketing lists from real companies, the bottom line is you need to check the quality of the company’s customer service.

    The last thing that I want to tell you about avis mini sites is that they do not have a phone number, customer service visit site or email signup form. You will have to find the contact form on the Avis website. The contact form looks like it might be a standard website contact form. You can’t even send an email through this website.

    So what can you do now? Well the best email list rental companies are legit companies that don’t have a fancy website, they don’t have fancy phone numbers, they don’t have a list of fancy names that sound like they belong on an advertisement for a popular product and they don’t have a mail service visit site. They don’t have an email signup form. You need to stay away from these companies until you find a legitimate one. The reputable companies will have a contact form, a website, a phone number and a way to order or rent a list.

    The best list rentals to rent will consist of email marketing software. You don’t want to pay a lot of money for marketing software that provides sub standard results. These are the companies that you want to avoid. You can learn more about the best list rentals to help grow your business the right way by visiting the website below.

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