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  • Harder Dinesen posted an update 2 years, 2 months ago

    The idea of rent an email list sounds incredibly complicated. In fact it’s not that complicated. It’s actually quite easy. It just takes a little bit of understanding about how the Internet works.

    Email renting is pretty straightforward. In most cases, the third party, which is commonly called a hosting company, agrees to host a certain amount of emails for you, in exchange for a fee. You set up how many people are going to receive the emails, when the emails will be delivered, and how much money the host is going to charge you for the service. Then you let the third-party know when you need emails and when your newsletter subscription will arrive. When a person subscribes to your list, they’re charged a monthly fee based on the amount of emails they request.

    The basic concept behind renting email lists is fairly simple, but there are some details that you have to be aware of. For example, is every email a separate “mailing list” or is it part of a group of “mails?” This is important because one of the biggest advantages of email marketing is the ability to target people based on demographics. Without this targeting ability, online marketing strategies simply wouldn’t work for small businesses.

    The first thing you have to decide is whether to rent an email list from a third-party web hosting company or if you want to create your own. Creating your own list is not difficult, but does require a little bit of technical knowledge. If you’re not tech savvy, you’ll want to consult with someone experienced in marketing before taking on the challenge of creating a marketing message for your web site. With a little help, though, it’s not hard to put together a marketing campaign using a simple list provider.

    When you rent an email list, you’re getting your list from an outside source. You don’t have access to the subscribers themselves, so you have to make a trade off between reliability and delivery. The quality of the customer service you receive will have a lot to do with this equation. Make sure that the company you choose offers reliable services such as an open rates guarantee and an up-time rate guarantee.

    Once you’ve found an affordable provider, you’ll need to decide what kind of relationship you wish to establish with them. Do you want to rent an email address directly from them, allowing you to control the distribution list; or do you prefer to have the subscribers visit your website and then provide their email address at the time of registration. (You may also opt to have your subscribers opt in to receive updates from your company via email.) These decisions will have a huge impact on the success of your email marketing campaign.

    The final factor to consider is list cost. This is calculated by taking into account your ROI (return on investment) for renting the addresses and the cost of renting the list itself. The higher your cost per thousand impressions is, the more expensive it will be to rent an email address directly from a broker. However, if you can find a low-cost option, it may be better in the long run to rent an email address through a third-party provider. By doing so, you can ensure consistent, reliable service without having to invest too much in the process.

    Renting email lists is a powerful marketing practice that allows you to easily build relationships with your subscriber base while maintaining control over how you distribute their messages. This practice is relatively risk free, particularly if you select low-cost options. By expanding your subscriber base quickly and consistently, your business can enjoy exponential growth.

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