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  • Harder Dinesen posted an update 2 years, 2 months ago

    Many business owners ask the question: Is renting email lists a good idea? The truth is that it can be a very good idea and one that can save you a lot of money. It doesn’t have to cost you anything but your time. However, before you jump into renting email lists you need to carefully consider some factors before doing so.

    The first factor to consider is your company reputation. You can start by asking yourself a simple question: how many of your past customers have left a bad review of your company? If you find that a large percentage of those leaving a bad review were clients of your competitor then you may want to consider renting some emails. On the other hand if most of those leaving a bad review were personal friends or family members of yours then you likely would not want to rent email lists. Personal emails are generally not going to have a great impact on your company’s reputation.

    The next thing that you will want to look at is the cost of renting email lists. There are several options available. You can purchase the lists individually or you can get an opt-in email address. A lot of businesses go with the latter option as opt-in email addresses are generally more reliable and there are actually ways to guarantee that the individuals on the list are who they say they are. Additionally, opt-in email addresses are faster to setup and less expensive than purchasing individual emails. These are all important things to keep in mind when deciding whether or not to rent email lists.

    You also want to take into consideration the cost of buying email lists versus the cost of renting them. Buying the lists generally costs less per piece than renting them but the cost of leasing can creep up rapidly if you decide to purchase the lists. For example, if you are building an entire email marketing campaign, it may make more sense to buy the lists instead of just renting them. You will also have full control over which subscribers end up on your list and have the ability to determine how your subscribers will receive the emails. With some mailing lists you are not able to do this but generally the better lists offer at least some flexibility.

    Lastly, you want to take a look at how easy it is to setup and use the features that are provided by the email marketing lists that you are interested in. Some of the lists are more complex than others and are not very user friendly. In fact, some of these lists require you to have a website in order to be able to use certain features such as subscriber management and personalization. If you are new to using email marketing campaigns, this can prove to be quite frustrating.

    On the other hand, some email service providers are quite user friendly and you don’t have to have a website to be able to access and use certain features. Most of the subscription services for email lists are free to use and allow you to custom design the messages that you would like to send to your subscribers. Even with the complexity of these offers, most recipients still prefer to receive electronic versions of their monthly emails. They know that they can click a button to quickly unsubscribe from a mailing list if they are not interested in receiving any further emails from the company. This feature makes it very easy for recipients to stay on top of subscriptions and to remove themselves from an email service provider’s lists.

    Lastly, and maybe most importantly, you want to make sure that your email lists are safe and secure. It is important for you to have control over who has access to your customers’ names and email addresses. As mentioned before, you want to avoid registering domain names that may be susceptible to misuse by spammers or hackers. To make sure that you and your subscribers are protected, you should sign up with companies that offer Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to ensure that your email addresses remain safe from all but the most trusted sources.

    When you are ready to build your email lists, it is important that you carefully select the company that will provide them. The right company will be able to help you promote your products or services, help you manage and track those who are interested in subscribing, and also provide the safety and security that your clients need to stay protected from internet predators. A good company will give you excellent rates for the purchase of both your standard opt-in list and a managed version that includes extra security measures and tracking measures for you. These special features will make managing your clientele much easier and more effective. If you take the time to find the right reputation management company, your internet reputation will thank you.

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