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  • Lucas Skaaning posted an update 2 years, 2 months ago

    Fico Gutierrez , the contender for Corre mi Tierra Half Marathon – 21km, was run in Medellin on Sunday.

    Fico ran together with Margarita Gomez (his wife) as well as 15000 others that gathered on the streets of Antioquian Capital.

    Fico is a Medellin native who is fond of running and biking, stated that he would like to be president of Colombians.

    http://www.portafolio.co/elecciones-2022/discurso-fico-gutierrez-tras-ganar-coalicion-de-equipo-por-colombia-562882 said that his government program supports those who do well academically in order to promote the sport of all kinds.

    Fico was greeted with thousands of love and support during his journey through Antioquia alongside the marathoners. thebogotapost.com/fico-eyes-colombias-presidency-an-interview-with-pre-candidate-federico-gutierrez/49519/ came up to Fico in support of his candidacy.

    Recently, the Team for Colombia candidate has been on a tour around the country. In Boyaca on Saturday, Petro, the candidate of the Team for Colombia was in a sacred section by custom. The former mayor of Medellin and a current candidate for the center-right party arrived in Tunja and spoke with academics, businessmen, farmers, peasants and many others.

    http://www.instagram.com/ficogutierrez/ was held at the Tunja Convention Center. There Fico met with an extensive group of citizens who supported his candidacy on May 29, 2009.

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