• Galloway Reeves posted an update 2 years, 1 month ago

    In short, renting an email list simply means you pay a third party a certain amount for each email sent their way. Of course, email list renting can range widely with some agreeing to send only one email a month to their customers, whilst others may agree to send three or four emails a month. When renting an email list, each person who signs up to the list will receive an email on your behalf. You must keep in mind that you will not receive a cent of money until those subscribers make a purchase from your website. The good thing about renting lists is that many business owners are willing to share their profits with you, so you will not have to pay out anything unless you see a profit.

    In order to get the best email list renting service, it’s essential to make sure you do your research before deciding which company to rent from. Don’t forget to check out customer testimonials as this is a good indication of how a particular company operates. If you don’t feel comfortable using the internet to find these testimonials, you can always ask for referrals from friends and family. By doing your own research, you’ll ensure that you get great email lists that provide you with the income you need.

    Another very important factor to consider when looking at email list rental services is the terms and conditions. Most will expect you to pay a one time set up fee. This is usually done at the start of the contract. Don’t be put off by this as this is actually a cost effective way of renting email lists. Most marketers find that it saves them a lot of time and money. One other thing you should do is to ensure that the contract you are signing up to covers your products.

    As I mentioned above, a key area to focus on when thinking about email list renting is the product you want to promote. There are basically two options. You could opt for a hosted service where you own the server and data centre but still have access to your own lists. Alternatively, you can choose to sign up to a solo marketing program where you only lease the lists from a provider, who then provides you with email lists you can then promote. There are pros and cons to both options but if you are a solo marketer/entercer you stand to gain more in the long run.

    Opting for a hosted email marketing programme has the obvious benefits of which are that you don’t need to make money to host the lists. You also won’t have to worry about the technical know how or the ongoing costs of maintaining and upgrading your hosting platform. However, most hosts/servers offer a free trial period which allows you to test the service and make money from your subscribers instantly. With this service there is no investment involved in purchasing traffic or products. This means you get to test and learn if the business is right for you before making any financial commitment.

    A downside to this option is that most hosts/servers charge per subscriber and a high price for each email address that you are able to register and give access to your landing page. For example, if you have a thousand email addresses you might be charged $10 each to lease out a single list. If your goal is to gain enough subscribers to make a profit, this might be fine, but as most new marketers will tell you, it’s very difficult to break into this business unless you’re willing to purchase traffic. Also, there is no guarantee that your list will grow or remain profitable if you don’t promote to them on a regular basis via email marketing and/or social media.

    Opting for a solo advertising program such as this is probably the best way to start building your email list. Although, it does come with its own set of challenges and responsibilities. The main advantage is that you can begin marketing and driving traffic immediately. It also allows you to learn more about what works and what doesn’t by giving you an opportunity to do so on a small scale with your first client. However, there is no guarantee that you will be successful and it’s not recommended that you use a single service exclusively because you can easily spend your money on things that aren’t working for you. You also have to keep in mind that there are hundreds of other marketers just like you who are using these services and trying to drive traffic to their landing pages.

    Ultimately, deciding which method of list rental works best for you depends on your goals and how you want to market to your subscribers. Although, I would recommend that you research these services and see if they fit in with your plans. If you’re looking to build an email list in order to start profiting from your online presence, opt for a program that provides subscribers with the tools necessary for building and maintaining a strong relationship with them. Opt for one that offers resources for content writing as well as free tips and resources for building your email list. If you want to increase your online presence and improve the number of potential customers, then you can also try an autoresponder based service that will help you capture and distribute your email addresses to those who have requested for it.