• Proctor Lerche posted an update 2 years, 1 month ago

    Social activism is an intentional act with the sole purpose of creating lasting societal change. It is also known as social action or social rebellion. Anybody with an idea that they strongly feel passionate about can easily become a social Activist, whether they work within an organized group to make positive and lasting change in their community or on their own. Activism can be directed at any group or individuals. The types of social activism include:

    * Environmental Activism: This type of social activism is concerned with protecting the environment. There are many different tactics that people use to protect the environment from destruction, such as protest actions and acts of civil disobedience. People who engage in this type of activism are often concerned about human rights and the protection of the environmental resources that we all have. Environmental activists are sometimes controversial, because it is sometimes debated as to how much damage has been done to the environment, with some believing that immediate change is needed while others think that slow and careful action is the best solution.

    * Civil Rights Activism: A civil rights activist believes in the basic equal rights of all people. They will argue for equal rights based on age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, religion or any other category. Activists may join organizations to build campaigns or participate in demonstrations and other peaceful civil actions to bring awareness to issues that are of concern to the majority of Americans. Activists who are very vocal about their opinions are considered to be very passionate about social action, regardless of their political views.

    * Political Activism: A political activism is very similar to social activism. However, their objective is to promote political ideals that are deemed worthy of being enacted into laws. Politicians are usually the targets of these types of social actions. They can range from issues that are very local to ones that impact entire countries.

    * Environmental Activism: This type of social activism involves the promotion of social change by trying to change governmental or environmental policies. agency of action may be trying to get a politician to enact laws to protect the environment. It could also be trying to get businesses to do their part to protect the environment. Sometimes, environmentalists will peacefully protest an event that has been deemed to be irresponsible or dangerous to the environment. At other times, eco-activists may engage in acts of civil disobedience to bring attention to an issue.

    * Radicalism: This type of social activism is very radical and is usually used to challenge the power structure of a country or region. agency is a person who believes that they are better than everyone else and want to institute a political and social order. Most radicals use violence to achieve their goals. When a group of radicals take over a building, they can do whatever they want to the occupants of the buildings, including burning down the buildings. In other cases, activists may engage in terrorist actions in order to bring attention to certain issues. Unfortunately, there are those who use physical force to promote social change; these people are known as domestic terrorists.

    Within all of these types of activists’ categories there exist sub-categories. There are many definitions of social activism, so it can be difficult for an observer not to be bogged down in definitions. agency to make the process easier is to look at the way that different groups have been defined. Activist is one of the most common definitions because it includes all three of the main types of activists. There are many other sub-categories of activists such as social justice, economic justice, cultural action, political action, and international solidarity. agency of social action overlap so it is important to look at each specific definition in order to get a full picture of what an individual is being called an activist.

    No matter which type of social activism that an individual engages in there are some key things that they can do to further their causes. The more involved they become the better chance that they have of achieving positive social change towards a social justice movement. Activists have the power to effect major change within the world by using social action.