• Hussein Emborg posted an update 1 year, 1 month ago

    A memorial serves two distinct needs. The first is that its design, design and erection assist the surviving family members through the difficult transition period in which the loss of a loved family member is acknowledged. A monument’s second function is to provide family members with an immediate connection to the present, the past and the future. The basis of our culture and heritage, memorials serve as an affirmation of our identity and the places we’ve been and where we are headed. People who are living can visit cemeteries to reflect on the graves and locations in history of their loved ones.

    Research by motivational experts suggests that people buy items to meet one of these desires. The purchase of a headstone, memorial, or monument is no any different.

    1. Security is more than the protection of your own life and freedom from the need. It also covers things such as security from criticism by your peers. This is the reason why people choose to spend beyond their budget for a memorial stone (to impress other family members or acquaintances). Do not be compelled to go over your budget. Only spend what you are able to afford.

    2. A sense of worth. This is the reason why people feel compelled to spend $50,000 on a car to themselves. The sight of and driving the car makes them feel confident of their value. Keep in mind that while it is crucial to honor the wishes of your loved one who has passed away, be careful of spending beyond your budget.

    3. Love. Without the love someone has to someone or something there wouldn’t be much personal tributes. The more you love someone, the more motivation there is. Headstones are often decorated with symbols of love, such as hearts, flowers, angels and many other symbols.

    4. Creativity. A lot of people are eager to do something unique and create something that will last forever. With the advancement of technology, individuals can now have stones customized to meet their specific requirements. Laser engravers are able to include photos and colors to headstones.

    5. Power. Many people wish to have control over the creation of a memorial as well as what it says about their family member. Luckily, many monument makers recognize this desire and allow people to design their own stone with the design assistance of the monument maker.

    6. Roots. The refers to the sense of belonging. Many people choose to be buried in a church burial site. Others prefer to create a memorial for their loved ones placed at their preferred spot on Earth like the beach or mountains.

    7. Immortality. Monuments provide the chance to fulfill the desire for immortality, which many people feel at certain points in their lives. It allows people to “be remembered in the books of history” to the next generation.

    For family members to convene around or to mark their spot in the history books, the idea of marking ones gravesite with the idea of a memorial is widely accepted by the society. Just make sure you are doing it for good reasons and not over budget. This is an unusual and challenging experience. Grave Maintenance should be done slow and carefully.