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  • Romero Borregaard posted an update 2 years, 2 months ago

    Much more than 40 associations and also organizations that make up the energetic get of the public power, released a joint statement in which supported the commander of the National Army, overall Eduardo Zapateiro, this account of the crossing of trills with the politician and presidential applicant Gustavo Petro .

    In the claim, the reservists guaranteed that” “Our team firmly assist the placement of Mr. General Eduardo Zapateiro, leader of the National Army, through which he stands up for the institutional honor as well as decorum of those that with dedication as well as institutional devotion go to the service of the terrific passions of the Homeland.” http://www.semana.com/semana-tv/vicky-en-semana/articulo/me-preocupa-que-gustavo-petro-llegue-a-la-presidencia/202157/ refused that the fatality of the army eliminated in the country is utilized for political reasons.

    petro gustavo repeated the posture that the basic carried out certainly not defile write-up 219 of the Constitution, which ensures everyone power is actually non-deliberative, this before the response that Zapateiro made him the candidate of the Covenant Historic: “Under no conditions could be looked at as political deliberation the response of the god basic Zapateiro before public accusations untrue and also infamous a presidential prospect, (…) through contrast, are the Military Forces was the initial company to protect and also respect the statutory purchase.”

    Furthermore, the retired military assured that the work carried out due to the Army may not be actually examined and also “also much less, that it is actually with aspersion and infamy.” They demanded that presidential candidate Gustavo Petro stay away from “claims that look for appointing earnings and show ignorance of the precise method of choosing generals,” the declaration stated.

    In http://www.portafolio.co/elecciones-2022/gustavo-petro-ganador-del-pacto-historico-562857 -page declaration, the 40 institutions and also affiliations likewise slammed the pep talks helped make by presidential candidate Sergio Fajardo, along with that of congressmen Roy Barreras and Iván Cepeda.

    They guarantee that” “They are actually the representation of a set up political conversation that intends to confuse as well as disinform to affect the trustworthiness as well as prestige of among the establishments most valued by Colombians.”

    Ultimately, everyone Force Reserve calls “all Colombians to endure united through neighboring as well as sustaining our marvelous National Army.”

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