• Abrahamsen Grimes posted an update 1 year, 6 months ago

    The majority of people sign up for a gym membership because they want to grow their arm size. Muscular biceps are the symbol of masculinity and are not likely to change anytime soon. Many people will spend many hours at their guns, only a few of them actually get their biceps in some form.

    It’s not enough to lift dumbbells and complete a few reps to build muscle mass. Modifying your workouts for arms a little can help you create the weapons of your desires.

    Bars that are thinner are highly recommended.

    When you’re doing bicep exercises using heavier bars, securing them could put greater stress on your forearms which can lead to higher muscle tissue recruitment in the short head bicep exercises. You can make any bar thicker with fat grips if you don’t have any thick bars at your fitness center.

    It will be a challenge to time holding onto the bars the thicker they are. When using fat bars, you’ll need to use lighter weights. You’ll have to squeeze your fists to secure the bar. This will result in more muscle pump.

    Train your Biceps from all Angles

    Many people make the error of working their biceps from one angle by only performing exercises like hammer, dumbbell cable curls, barbell and. For overall development it is essential to train your biceps’ medial, both the outer and inner heads.

    Barbell curls can be done with a shoulder-width grip. This will help focus on the medial biceps head. A wider grip than shoulder width will reach your inner head (the top at the front double bicep position) and a grip that is narrower than the shoulder width will reach the outside head (the peak in the back double-bicep position).

    Switch Your Intensity

    It doesn’t mean that you have to keep to the same three sets of 12-10-8 repetitions. To force your pythons to experience expansion, you must intensify your workout. For optimal bicep development Balance isolation (single-joint) and compound (multiple joints) exercises.

    Increase your intensity by adjusting your sets and rep scheme. You should perform five sets of 10 reps on exercises such as cable curls, and three sets with 20 reps next week. You can also switch the intensity between exercises in the same workout by doing 10 reps in the first exercise, and 20 reps in the following exercise.

    Use Advanced Training Techniques

    If you follow the same training regimen for a long period of time, you could end up at a plateau. Utilizing advanced training methods such as supersets, drop-sets and supersets BFR (blood flow restriction) training and intra-set stretch exercises, and so on. It is possible to smash through the ceiling.

    It is possible to take your bicep game to the next level by combining of the advice in the article in the same workout. For Long Head Bicep Exercises , you could utilize a bar with a large thickness and switch the grip position. Increase the intensity. Utilize advanced techniques for training to alter the duration under tension.

    Change Time Under Tension

    One of the most important factors in bodybuilding is time under tension (TuT). Higher TuT can cause muscle tissue to be more damaged and could result in improved muscle development and pumps. Changing the time under tension can be extremely beneficial in enhancing your gun.

    To annihilate long head bicep exercises, focus on the rep tempos. A good example of a machine preacher curl rep-tempo strategy could be two seconds on the concentric (upward) movement, one-second contraction at the top of the exercise followed by four seconds of the eccentric (downward) movement, and no pause at the bottom.