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  • Sellers Griffith posted an update 2 years ago

    The Sole Agent Visa, also acknowledged as the only Consultant of an International Business visa category is an BRITISH immigration route regarding those who would like to establish a part of their foreign business in the united kingdom.

    UNITED KINGDOM Sole Representative Australian visa Requirements

    If you wish in order to apply for this kind of visa category, an individual will first need to qualify and satisfy the UK Immigration authorities that will your company satisfies certain standards while listed below.

    Your business is a genuine stock trading business.

    Your firm does not have branch, part or other staff in britain;

    Your aim is always to establish a new branch in the united kingdom that operates in the same business area since the overseas business;

    You would like to maintain the center of operations associated with the company abroad.

    The additional 20 points can be composed from one of more standards listed below:

    You happen to be a senior worker in the company;

    You have already been recruited outside regarding the UK;

    You might have the power to make operational choices on behalf regarding the company;

    You perform not hold over 50% of the particular shares;

    You do not intend to take additional career;

    You meet the English language requirements and are at the least CEFR Level A1 (speaking and listening);

    You have the particular methods to maintain and accommodate yourself fiscally. UK IMMIGRATION LAWYER IN NEW YORK is determined by your conditions.

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