• Boysen McPherson posted an update 2 years ago

    Email renting is an easy and quick way to instantly send out an automatic email message to an entire group of individuals. Email marketing is often much more cost effective than other types of internet advertising. However, many internet marketers begin by renting an already constructed email list. When you rent an email list you usually pay a third party just to send out your message to the list of individuals. In order to receive the emails you will need to provide valid contact information like your email address. You may also be required to confirm your subscription by providing a valid email address.

    If you are concerned that you could get into legal trouble for renting lists, or worse, committing spam laws violations, you should know that there are some ways to protect yourself without violating any laws. First, if you are renting a list, you should only use it for your own business and you should never share it with others to sell to customers. Second, you can also rent email lists from companies that guarantee delivery on or before a certain date. However, you will not be able to get guarantees like that if you are renting lists from people who are selling them.

    The good news is that if you do rent email lists, the company you rent them from will never actually get the emails you request. Most companies that rent their lists keep a database of all of the addresses that have been rented from them. If you contact them they will check that database to see if you actually own the domain names or email addresses you are renting. If they determine that you do not own the domains or email addresses you are asking for, they will simply return the domain or address as soon as possible.

    Some internet marketers make the mistake of thinking that they can rent an email list for a much cheaper price than they would pay to buy it. What many people do not realize is that when renting the lists, they are actually paying to the internet company or broker that has made the list available to them. In most cases, this cost is often much more than what the average internet marketer would pay for a one time purchase of a list. The company that owns the list will pay the broker or internet company the one time use fee for every email address that they rent out. This fee is typically less than ten dollars per thousand impressions.

    Many internet marketers rent targeted email lists by purchasing these lists directly from a website or database. When a marketer purchases these directly from the owner, they are effectively paying the owner ten dollars per thousand impressions. The ten bucks per thousand impression is the cost of renting the list for one time only. Usually, these sites do require that you keep the information on the server, which can cost anywhere between ten dollars and twenty dollars per year for a year long server lease. However, if you have never rented an accurate and current database, or the site you rent from requires an account, then this option may not be good for you.

    Buying email addresses is a much better choice for someone who is new to renting targeted traffic and does not know the cost of renting from the beginning. With this option, a marketer can get a current and accurate image of the cost of buying the email addresses in the future, instead of trying to rent by guessing at how much the future rent will be. The best option is to call the company or buy the list in advance by calling the toll free number that is listed on their website.

    When a marketer rents the email addresses they will also have the benefit of being able to track their progress. Each time the person visits the link and fills out the form, they are logged into the system and the cost of the clicks and registration will be recorded. This allows a marketer to easily see how effective their marketing strategy is, as well as allowing them to make changes to the website and emails if needed. If a marketer can see how many emails were opened, visited, and downloaded, then they know that they are getting their message across to their target audience.

    Marketers should always consider buying email lists rather than renting. Using the method that makes the most sense for them will give them the best results and allow them to increase their profits. This is a great way for anyone to start an effective and affordable email marketing campaign and improve the bottom line. When a marketer figures out how to choose the right company, they will realize the benefits that come with renting instead of buying email lists.