• Durham Elgaard posted an update 1 year, 6 months ago

    The mouth is the window to our overall well-being, as we are aware. Your teeth are more than simply a tool to talk and eating. They also show your overall appearance and quality of living. So, maintaining excellent dental hygiene is essential.

    Dental hygiene is the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums. Incorrect oral hygiene can cause various dental and medical problems such as gum disease, bone loss and more.

    Here are some useful tips to help you maintain good oral and dental hygiene.

    The brushing process should be performed regularly and properly

    It’s an excellent way to ensure your teeth’s health. While brushing, hold the brush so that the bristles are at an angle of 45 degrees in the direction of the gum line. At best dental health resources , scrub the surface of the teeth gently. Make use of a back-and forth, up-and down motion to scrub your teeth. Lastly, brush the tongue’s surfaces and the roof of your mouth. Cleansing the surface of your tongue with a professional tongue cleaner will help remove the bacteria particularly those that stay on the top surface of the tongue. Incorrect cleaning can result in bad breath and can impact your dental health.

    It is recommended to use a brush with a small head to allow it to reach back teeth as well. Replace the toothbrush every two months.

    When you brush your teeth at the beginning of each day, gargle with vinegar. This kills bacteria, get rid of stains, whiten your teeth, and make them look younger.

    Do you floss?

    Flossing helps you to remove the food particles and harmful substances that are not eliminated by brushing. Flossing allows you to get into the deepest parts of your teeth, where toothbrush bristles can’t reach and mouthwash can’t wash away. Move the floss slowly between your forefingers, thumbs, and in between your teeth. It is important to keep flossing at least every other daily.

    Use mouthwash after brushing and flossing

    Not all mouthwashes are suitable for washing your mouth. Antimicrobial mouthwashes can reduce the formation of plaque mouthwashes with chlorine dioxide stop the growth of bacteria and fluoride mouthwashes prevent tooth decay. However, fluoride mouthwashes are not advised for children under six years. Mouthwashes are helpful in maintaining good breath and also strong teeth. After flossing and brushing your teeth, it is recommended that you wash your mouth with mouthwash.

    Avoid tobacco

    The prevention of smoking can reduce the risk of oral cancer and other periodontal complications. Quitting smoking can help your oral health and overall well-being. Also, drinking coffee or tea after smoking doubles the damage.

    Avoid coffee, sodas, and alcohol.

    Drinks that contain phosphorous may result in a drop in calcium levels, which can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. Additives such as corn syrup or food dye could cause tooth discoloration.

    Healthy foods

    Calcium and vitamin D supplementation is essential to maintain healthy gums. It is better to drink milk, fortified orange juice and eat yogurt cheese, broccoli, and other dairy products as they contain calcium. Vitamin B complex is vital to safeguard the gums and teeth from cracking and bleeding. Copper, zinc, iodine iron, potassium, and zinc are also required for maintaining healthful dental hygiene. You can also eat firm and crisp food items like apples and carrots as they can clean teeth to some extent while you’re eating.

    Fluoridated toothpaste is recommended

    The fluoride present in the toothpaste helps to strengthen enamel of your teeth and reduces the chances of tooth decay.

    Good oral hygiene is key to maintaining healthy gums and teeth. It is also essential to see your dentist at least once a year. This allows you to catch any problems early and prevents them from becoming serious.