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  • Wiggins Travis posted an update 2 years, 3 months ago

    Buying a vehicle in Florida?

    Cheapest car insurance for a 21 year old in nj?

    I and the insurance company bought my vehicle and my charge

    Alright bought a brand new car in july 09 then it was compromised I created an insurance claim and they lowered me so I settled 3000 to obtain it mounted next I didn’t insurance back on it because I could not afford it at that time it was $412 per month so I eventually had been able to have insurance no you might insure me had nearly 8 pts I am 23 and risky ultimately my cousin totaled the car and I have 17000left to cover and have not missed any obligations should I inform the finance company? This only happed and it’s still in the police impound he did not strike on anyone I just possess a rapid auto and he hit on 3 lighting rods! Should I report bankruptcy? Get off it the lot? Tow it to the store? Inform the finance company please help what’s the next actions I have no-one to aid

    Our son wants to get his permit and is 21. We reside in michigan. Basically don’t tell the insurance wod it go up

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