• Radius Global Solutions is one company that allows you to monitor your debt. They offer no monthly fees and unlimited ATM fee reimbursement. If you have a debt from years past, they cannot verify it. But if you have a recent, legitimate debt, you can use their service to ensure it has been paid in full. And with their no-fee banking , you can use…[Read more]

  • Construction loan management software is an indispensable tool for construction companies. It streamlines the process of approving and disbursing loans, and also allows the company to track its finances. With this software, the user can see who has been paid and how much capital has been disbursed over time. The software is also designed to…[Read more]

  • Before the advent of loan participation technology, participants relied on their lead institution for updates. Now, they can access their credit reports and track their credit history themselves. banking allows the participants to view their complete credit report, but the lead institution still controls the settlement process. The next generation…[Read more]

  • A construction loan spreadsheet is a vital tool for borrowers, lenders, and contractors. It tracks important project performance indicators and the volume of loans taken. It also keeps track of the progress of the construction project. The lender needs to be aware of the data collection effort and filling in rounding errors, as well as keep track…[Read more]

  • Construction loan management involves constant monitoring of the loan process, which can be time-consuming and stressful. In the past, this process was often conducted manually, involving paper files and emails. However, the rise of technology has made this process much easier. Not only does it eliminate the need for manual administration, but it…[Read more]

  • Lewis Pettersson became a registered member 2 years, 1 month ago